Crafting Your Vision

Thank you for submitting your custom project request. Our team is now working on 2D and 3D renderings, as well as preparing a detailed estimate.
Please allow 2-3 business days for us to gather everything and provide you with the estimate.
We appreciate your patience during this process.

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  • Custom Project Requeset
  • Detailed information
  • Color Details
  • Fireplace Installation Instruction

What you need to know!


Custom Project Request

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Detailed Information

Check out the details on our fireplaces and what comes with each one. You'll find info on the different edge styles, finishes, sizes, and the installation kits we provide. Whether you’re interested in a standard fireplace or something custom, this section covers everything you need to know to make the right choice.

Color Details

Subtle Gray

Purchase Samples
River Rd Newport.png__PID:a9576dd5-0976-40d8-bab9-ad5f80db4f46
Customer Newport.png__PID:5b1acb28-5d90-41a1-8ade-950edab8a957

Italian White

Purchase Samples
Italian White Newport.png__PID:140a2047-9ac7-449b-b87a-083cdaa317e6

Meadow Mist

Purchase Samples
Fridley Homes.png__PID:faec5512-e6c2-4d31-93aa-a4a97ec7c8db
Kate 2.jpg__PID:4bc8b64a-9635-4f95-ac85-f31773d93759

Ancient Ivory

Purchase Samples
Fridley Homes.png__PID:faec5512-e6c2-4d31-93aa-a4a97ec7c8db
Kate 2.jpg__PID:4bc8b64a-9635-4f95-ac85-f31773d93759

How to Install a Cast Stone Fireplace

This process is a step-by-step guide for installing a complete cast stone  fireplace, starting with the hearth, and going through each necessary step until the caulking.

Read Instructions

Get in touch with us

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form


1947 Claxter Rd NE, Salem, OR 97301


(503) 689-1088


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